FREE Resources

encouragement for moms

Encouraging Reminders Every Mom Needs

Motherhood is a gift. Yes! But it’s also filled with unforseen challenges that can overwhelm and unravel us quicker than we can forsee. As moms, we can sometimes question our value and worth. I don’t know about you, but in those moments, I sometimes need encouraging reminders that I’m a good mom … that I have everything I need to play this most significant role … that I’m not alone.

Download these 10 FREE Printable Cards that will remind you not only of how appreciated and awesome you are but of how courageous you are to embrace your divine role as mom and stay the course. In moments when motherhood gets hard, these reminders are sure to build you up and give you the strength to rise up and continue to good fight of faith.

Building a Deep Relationship with God

Knowing God and knowing God are very different things. I knew God my whole life and was certainly impacted by Him in amazing ways growing up. However, I didn’t really get to know God and experience His abundant, transforming grace until I made the choice to really get to know Him. If you are eager to build a deeper relationship with God—one rooted in grace, love, peace, and hope—it’s absolutely within your reach. Getting to know God simply requires awareness, desire, daily commitment, discipline, and intention.

Download this FREE resource for tips on how to shift your mindset and create dedicated time for studying God’s Word and for praying. In addition, this guide will lead you through 7 easy steps on How to Infuse God’s Word into Your life.

Grace-Giving Quick Guide

Giving and exemplifying grace to our children and being transparent in our own
imperfections, which allows them to offer grace in return are the most organic ways we can live the faith and pass it on to our children. Once we embrace that our newfound purpose and role as Mom is to lead our kids to Christ and have the Holy Spirit as our compass guiding us in truth, we naturally begin to embody grace which enables us to execute our purpose of passing on the faith and responding to life, our kids, our husbands, and others in ways that express extravagant love, ignite their hearts, build them up, and expose their innate greatness and worth.

Blessings to Pray Over Your Children

We all need reminders of who we are in Christ and of how much we are dearly loved. Blessing our children, daily, not only reminds them of how precious, loved, and known they are by God, but the intention of beginning and ending our days focused on Christ—the giver of life—demonstrates to them where to place their hope, their trust, their faith, especially as they grow and discover hard  realities of life.

These blessings will become special moments your children will look forward to sharing with you and become gifts you both cherish. Blessing our kids is simple. Quick. Yet priceless. Don’t miss this precious opportunity to connect and share the faith.

Scripture Reference Guide

Every mom wants to raise kind, respectful, responsible, compassionate kids, yet it’s far from an easy task especially when we are faced with challenging behaviors and attitudes that display qualities contrary to what we are working to instill. It’s critical to remember our children are not bad kids when they display unacceptable  behavior. Instead, it’s rebellion in their hearts that offers us the opportunity to lead them to Christ, the only One with the power to help them fight their rebellion.

Reading Scripture and drawing closer to God are the best ways to fight our rebellion and be transformed more into the likeness of Christ. The same is true for our children, which is why I created this easy-to-find Scripture Reference Guide for countless emotions and challenges our kids display. 

Truths I Want You to Remember

Like me, do you ever read a book and highlight statements that resonate with you and really make you think? Perhaps they are statements or quotes you don’t want to forget because they’ve had an impact on you.

I made this FREE resource for you so that you would be reminded of your greatness, value, worth, and purpose. These are direct quotes from my book, Made to Soar! Consider it encouragements from a dear friend who wants you to remember you were Made to Soar!

What People Are Saying About Natalie

“Natalie is a gifted and inspiring speaker whose messages are meaningful, motivating and full of Biblical truth. She blends personal experiences with tender emotions that make her application relevant and easy to understand. I highly recommend Natalie to other groups looking for a strong Christian inspirational speaker. She is a delight and a blessing.”

~Laura R., Women's Ministry Leader


"Natalie is ever encouraging, but willing to speak up if something doesn’t appear to line up with God’s desire for our lives. She is such a strong example of how great we can be if we let God take the lead in our lives."

~Leanne E.


"Natalie Hanson is an inspiring and dedicated woman whom has been on a mission to finding her path of purpose in life. Her journey is something, as a Christian mother, I can relate to."

~Kelli W.


“Simply put, Natalie is full of heart. Her positive, upbeat speaking style and vulnerability in sharing her real-life challenges and successes makes her one not to miss."

~Stacey L., Retreat Attendee


“Natalie has a precious gift for engaging her audience with heartfelt style in ways that are moving and impactful. Her messages are upbeat, positive, interactive and full of sincerity and heart.”

~Gwen R., Retreat Attendee


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