Dear friend, I’m so grateful you’re here. 

With years of experience in studying God’s Word, living Christ-centered, and encouraging women, I lovingly lead you to a place where you are empowered to unfurl your wings and soar in the joy and beauty of your divine purpose in all the roles you play, in every area of your life. We have but this one life to live. How are you choosing to live it? Imprisoned or free? Insecure or confident? Afraid or excited? Angrily or joyfully? Doubting your purpose or embracing it? Crawling or soaring? Caterpillar or butterfly? Victim or victor?

It is within you to be and have more than you ever thought possible because you were uniquely designed by the most magnificent creator of all the universe … a God who loves you, wants the best for you, and has amazing plans for you. Whether you feel stuck where you are and are aching to discover deeper purpose, whether you need guidance on how to raise your children with the extravagant love and grace of God, or whether you yearn to transform every area of your life from health and fitness to relationships, that’s why I’m here, doing what I’m doing. I help move you through the metamorphosis of change and lead you to becoming the beautiful butterfly you were always created to be.

So let’s work together! I offer speaking services, online coaching programs, personal one-on-one coaching, masterminds, and a membership community. To learn more about me and my heart, I invite you to check out my author/speaker page on Facebook, where I offer daily encouragement and support.

Step out in faith, today, and learn how you, too, can SOAR!

It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got out hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.

~Ephesians 1:9-10

Breathe peace,


Here’s Who I Am and Why I’m Here

Wife. Momma. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Speaker. Author.
Parent Coach. Lover of Jesus. Greatness Seeker.
Passionate Runner of My Race. Encourager.

If I could, I’d sit down with you in my cozy living room with a hot cup of coffee and have a chat, just the two of us. My heart loves to listen to other women’s stories, to love on them, and encourage them with God’s love. But since that’s not possible right now, allow me to share my story. And then, I’d love to hear from you and help you soar!

My Story

I am a farmer’s wife and a mother to four lovely and lively boys ages eight, ten, thirteen, and fifteen you see up there. I would have never guessed I would be a mother to all boys. Yes, our home is loud…really loud. Yes, our home is rowdy…really rowdy. And yes, I am a momma who loves clothes, shoes, yummy coffee, make-up, hair, wine, chit-chat…all things girly. God certainly has a sense of humor, doesn’t He? At the same time, I can throw a pretty mean spiral, show them a thing or two on the basketball court and meet them eye-to-eye in their adventurous spirits. Above all, with a humble and grateful heart, I absolutely love witnessing how these precious lives are unfolding and experiencing how God is using me in the midst of them. Motherhood gifts me with indescribable joy and love, yet exposes my greatest and most intimate weaknesses and inadequacies, drawing me daily closer to the One who orchestrates it all and freeing me from the pressure to do it all perfectly.

However, I didn’t always feel like that because motherhood threw me for a loop. Can you relate? It was filled with so many inexpectancies that in my attempts to gain control, find joy and attain perfection, I became trapped in a paralyzing whirlwind of failure, doubt, frustration, guilt, shame and comparison. My heart that was exploding with love for my kids was, at the same time, suffocating and struggling to break free from the pressures to get it all right and to not mess them up. I was living life as if I was the sole designer of their lives and the one responsible for how they turned out. How wrong I was, my friends, how very wrong.

Because of Jesus, sweet Jesus

I’ve been a believer my whole life, but it wasn’t until several years ago, when I found myself in a desperate trench of motherhood, that my eyes were opened and my heart softened to receive Gospel perspective. That’s when I personally experienced the transforming power of God’s grace and love and was finally set free to be the mom God designed me to be, one who fully relies on Him for everything. It’s because of God’s love and grace through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that I am now able to fully embrace the gift of motherhood, release the pressure to be perfect, unfurl new wings and raise and nurture my boys with relentless courage, trusting God’s strength and might to be revealed in my weaknesses and shortcomings. Relying on God in our mothering and humbling ourselves to Him by admitting our imperfections is the greatest gift we can give our children because it’s through our authentic truths where they get to experience the transforming power of God’s grace.

His gift of grace is for you, too

I’m trusting your momma’s heart desires the same as mine…you want the best for your kids. What I’ve learned is that to give them the best of us, means we, first, need to receive the best from God. It doesn’t happen by trying harder, out of our own strength. It doesn’t happen by staying chained to our mistakes in the past. It doesn’t happen by trying new methods or strategies of parenting. It happens by surrendering to God and allowing the power of His grace to transform our hearts to His likeness so that you can give grace right back to your kids.

Living free and joyful

Sweet friend, you were born to live free and joyful. Christ came to set us free, not for us to remain imprisoned to life’s struggles. It’s my heart’s passion to share God’s message of hope, love, mercy and grace with you so, together, we can embrace our Divine greatness as sisters and mothers and find peace and joy in the midst of this imperfect, ever-changing, fast-paced, temporary world. Once we discover and embrace that we are defined by the ONE who made us and saved us and that His greatness lives in us, then we are set free to run the path set before us and become all that we were uniquely created to be. I’m exited to get to know you and to journey together.

Breathe peace, my friends.

What People Are Saying About Natalie

“Natalie is a gifted and inspiring speaker whose messages are meaningful, motivating and full of Biblical truth. She blends personal experiences with tender emotions that make her application relevant and easy to understand. I highly recommend Natalie to other groups looking for a strong Christian inspirational speaker. She is a delight and a blessing.”

~Laura R., Women's Ministry Leader


"Natalie is ever encouraging, but willing to speak up if something doesn’t appear to line up with God’s desire for our lives. She is such a strong example of how great we can be if we let God take the lead in our lives."

~Leanne E.


"Natalie Hanson is an inspiring and dedicated woman whom has been on a mission to finding her path of purpose in life. Her journey is something, as a Christian mother, I can relate to."

~Kelli W.


“Simply put, Natalie is full of heart. Her positive, upbeat speaking style and vulnerability in sharing her real-life challenges and successes makes her one not to miss."

~Stacey L., Retreat Attendee


“Natalie has a precious gift for engaging her audience with heartfelt style in ways that are moving and impactful. Her messages are upbeat, positive, interactive and full of sincerity and heart.”

~Gwen R., Retreat Attendee


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